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Global Expertise

Bringing global productivity expertise to boost your profits

Alluxi Founder, Linda Garcia’s international career as a Productivity Specialist and Business Consultant has seen her successfully deliver productivity improvement programmes


  Over 30+ Years

  In 10 countries

  Across 3 continents

  In 20+ industries

  For 70+ companies

  Delivering £50M+ profit


Delivering over £50 million of annualised profit improvement to the clients bottom line results.

Productivity Improvement Programmes designed to enable companies to realise significant profit increases, have produced results ranging from a few thousand pounds for micro businesses to millions of pounds in annual financial savings for larger corporate organisations.

The fundamental scientific principles of business success can be applied to any organisation regardless of size, industry or stage of growth. A fresh pair of eyes, from the outside looking in – constructively challenging – can be a revealing source of inspiration to highlight new solutions or unlocking effective ways to implement ideas you’ve been striving to action. Partner with Alluxi to harness the power of productivity optimisation for your company and open up a world of expertise to maximise your profits.

Journalism & Newspapers

US$1.6M benefit through organisational restructure and waste reduction.

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Automotive Manufacturing

Slowing down production to speed up productivity.

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Whisky Distillery & Bottling

Streamlining organisational structure increases profits by £250k.

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International Shipping

Improving customer service and reducing complaints.

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Shoe Manufacturing

Increasing yield on a manual production line by 15%.

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Retail Department Stores

Management controls to improve stock rotation and cashflow.

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Achieving savings of US$33M through smarter working practices.

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Fruit Canning Factory

Process re-design speeds up working practices

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Beef Processing Plant

Detailed analysis illuminates hidden productivity opportunities

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Forestry & Paper Industry

Simple behaviour changes generate additional US$660K profits

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Private Health Clinic

Restructuring & productivity cost savings of US$1.3M

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Cement Manufacturing

Process streamlining contributes to US$2.25M additional profit

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Alluxi Business Success Scorecard

Your journey to greater productivity and profit starts here. Take 15 minutes for an in-depth look at your business and we’ll shine a light on where improvements can be made.