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Everett MacLeod Limited hired Linda at a time the team lacked confidence in our processes and I wanted to improve them. Linda came well recommended and delivered ‘in spades’. I am happy that I have a team that believe in ‘their’ processes and take more responsibility for running them. There has been a noticeable increase in team members requesting changes ‘to make the processes more efficient’ since Linda’s work with us. I can strongly recommend Linda for this type of ‘system improvement’ work.

Mike MacLeod, Director – Everett MacLeod

Although I think that we, as business owners, are generally too hard on ourselves, there are are moments when you deserve to give yourself a kick. Not hiring Linda sooner is just one such moment. She quickly got to grips with our process issues and found a number of ways that we could improve. She even figured out how we could get more from our collaboration software, Asana. Linda identified tasks that were being missed and others that were adding little value. The output of a user manual was invaluable. Don’t make the same mistake as me and lose money while you think that’s just the way things are. Invest in Linda’s valuable advice.

Simon Ryan, Owner Principal – SJR Media Rocks

Linda demonstrated commitment and integrity while helping to bring order out of chaos at this dynamic enterprise. As her experience elsewhere demonstrates, Linda was far, far more than assistant. She managed a number of high level projects and did much to help me become a better manager.

Mark Nicholls, CEO – Adept Marketing Group

Linda was asked to conflate the requirements of demanding teams operating in a number of countries to produce an employee handbook that would work for everyone. Taking account of local customs and laws, she delivered in excellent project on time and on budget.

Mark Nicholls, CEO – Pantechnik

Working with Linda was a huge step into the unknown for us, as I’m sure it is for most young companies. Previously, I had worked in organisations who had used external consultants and my opinion on what they’d offered was fairly low. I am very pleased to say that Linda changed this perception entirely. Her desire to understand the business and our industry before offering any advice was exactly what we needed and meant she tailored her approach and solutions specifically to us. She has provided us with excellent strategic direction, planning and business processes which are enabling us to be more productive and efficient right now, whilst also meaning we are in a robust position to grow the company. I would recommend a meeting with Linda to anyone who wants to improve their business now and for the future.

Lloyd Stokes, Director – Talent Digital Ltd

Linda has helped me think differently about my business. At the beginning of my business journey, we could not “crack the model” of efficiency, productivity, process, placing people in the right places, financial KPIs, etc. Linda came onboard when I’d had enough of figuring things out on my own and I decided to reach out for professional help. She helped me to think differently about how the team functions and where I position within it. It was a leap of faith, but Linda came highly recommended by a client and she exceeded my expectations. We have been working together for a few years now, bringing Linda back into the business when we want to rejig a process or get a new perspective on a service/team management/productivity/our structure/P&L/cashflow/process transformation etc. Highly recommended.

Karolina Adamczyk, Director – Ademchic

Linda has an incredible knack at defining the issues with clients, defining the challenges and potential solutions and ultimately deliver demonstrable performance excellence! I highly recommend Linda

Andrew Cox, President – Strategex Business Solutions Inc.

As my cousin and business partner Bek said, “Linda kicks arse, with a smile on her face.” She is the perfect combination of personable yet incredibly business-like and her enthusiasm for her work is palpable.

Jennifer Stuart-Smith, Co-Owner – Blooming Green

During the time I worked with Linda I found her to be a highly mature leader. She was task oriented, and a highly skilled on the job coach to her team. She managed the client with exceptional diligence in getting them to facilitate the delivery of the project. Her professional approach to the job enabled us a s a team to deliver beyond what we sold to the client.

Liverson Mdongo, Managing Director – Intellectual Heights Investments

Dedicated and passionate with one of the best business attitudes I have ever met. Linda proved to be highly self-motivated but still remaining kind and prepared to discuss problematic issues more than once in order to achieve the best available outcome for implementation. Her implementation skills were direct, to the point, timeous and with measurable outcomes.

Francois Smit, Manager – Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa

I attended a presentation given by Linda at a Kent entrepreneur group in Folkestone. She gave some advice on progressing our business. Really simple things like write a business plan. I took her advice and with my two colleagues, both directors at Metis Training we committed our business plan to paper. This caused us to re-focus and very quickly move our business to another level. Thank you Linda.

Jacqui Grace, Director – Metis Training

I worked with Linda from 1995 to 2001 in Latin America, where she was my supervisor and mentor.  She has a unique skill to assess the issues, define the problem and put together a corrective action plan towards improvement, with productivity as a priority.  She involves all the key stakeholders in the Productivity Improvement process, achieving a change in the company culture, not just fixing one single issue, but implements Continuous Improvement through productivity.

Claudio Perez, Management Consultant

Linda worked for me for several years as a Project Leader in South America, managing performance improvement projects in a variety of sectors, from industrial manufacturing, to healthcare and service industries. She was always totally focused on achieving the required result for the client, which she invariably did. She was a meticulous project leader in planning and controlling her resources to achieve project goals, tenacious in their pursuit and energetic in their delivery. A goal-oriented, self-motivated and independent consultant who gets things done.

Anton Stocker – Independent Management Consultant

I worked under Linda’s guidance to improve operational excellence in all aspect of the business processes. Her application of proven principles, operational systems, and tenacity to achieve improvement still holds today in a very successful business. Under her leadership, we were able to change the culture and improve performance in a very short time that continues to deliver results.

Dale McKillop, Managing Director (Structures) – Commercial Vehicle Group Inc

Linda has recently delivered training for us under our Bitesize Online Training Programme. Everything Linda presents is so essential for all businesses, and she puts it across in a very easy to understand way. A great learning & refresh for businesses of all sizes. 

Carole Black, Director – Best Business Events

Linda supported Fable & Base to develop and grow the business. I found Linda to be supportive and offered great advice in moving the business forward. I’d highly recommend Linda for coaching sessions.

Francesca Baur, Director – Fable & Base


I found your Conquering Barriers to Business Growth Workshop very informative. Many of the businesses in attendance gleaned useful information that can be easily put into effect regardless of what their business product is. Conquering barriers is a core component to any business owner and your professional yet friendly approach is entirely accepting.

Francesca Booth, Founder – Dandylion Teas

I have had the pleasure of working with Linda over the last few months during a very challenging period of growth in my business. I have found her very approachable and an invaluable source of information and wisdom. Her sessions have left me motivated and focused every time.

Nadine Monks, Director – Evolution Forces Families

I found the Conquering Barriers to Business Growth Workshop delivered by Linda Garcia of Alluxi Consulting Ltd, hosted by Produced in Kent, to be very informative. It would be great if more small businesses could be put in touch with this kind of short course. The further assistance and planning for my business was also extremely helpful and I would recommend businesses that recognize they need assistance to get in touch.

Jane Osborne, Owner – The Fat Carrot Catering Ltd


I was recently fortunate enough to work with Linda, she coached me on a 1 to 1 basis, over a few months. She helped me to set up clear systems within my business, making it more efficient & streamlined. She was so clear with her direction, making it really easy for me to established what needed to be done, then helped me to work out how to do it. Her calm & patient manner was fantastic. I look forward to working with her more in the future.

Amanda Flanders, Owner – Evexio Ltd

I have had several business coaching Skype sessions with Linda over the past few months and long may they continue! She has given me clarity, structure, guidance and support in all problematic areas of my business. Linda is extremely knowledgeable and able to give me some invaluable advice and clear goals, as well as planning with me how to achieve them and maximise my revenue. She has inspired and motivated me and I recommend any new business owner to get in touch with her!

Emily Lambourne, Freelance Graphic Designer – Design Lamb

I was lucky enough to receive coaching sessions from Linda as part of a Women in Enterprise course I participated in. Linda was a huge help in allowing me to see the potential of my business, she helped me to focus on specific goals and forced me to look at my finances and where I see my work heading. Together we set a monthly financial target for the rest of the financial year and I’m happy to say that I have met each monthly target (and gone over it on a number of months). Linda’s advice really helped me to focus and to dream a little bigger and it’s exciting to see results already.

Rebecca Knapp, Textile Artist – Handmade by Bex

Linda helped me to grasp the nettle and focus on my figures, something I had an aversion to as if they would evaporate before my eyes. We tackled my beliefs, fears and reluctance and Linda gave me the tools to positively and assertively own those numbers! Linda just cuts through it, no fluffy rubbish, straight to it, helping your business and productivity.

Vanessa Challess, Founder & Principal – Tiger Law

As a small business owner, you are constantly trying to find 25 hours in your day. Failing this, the next best thing is to attend Linda’s excellent Task & Time Management workshop. Linda helps you figure out how to prioritise and schedule your tasks, and better understand your time thieves and how to deal with them. Excellent workshop.

Deb Sen, Director – Ministry for Growth

I recently attended the Alluxi Taster Productivity Workshop and I was pleasantly surprised. Coming from a B2B Sales background I thought I was well versed in productivity, organising my day/calendar and getting results. Despite my confidence I came with an open mind and, I am glad that I did. Otherwise I would have missed out! In the short taster session Linda gave me a fresh insight into productivity, time/management and how to grow my business by defining key metrics, breaking down goals and setting standards of work for myself and my team. Needless to say, I will be going from the Taster session to working with Alluxi Consulting more closely. I highly recommend the taster session. It isn’t long, it’s not expensive and there is a tremendous amount of value to be gained.

Dayle Rodriguez, Director – Amakari Services Ltd

Linda has been a constant ‘go to’ over the last 5 years due to her excellent ability to quickly identify issues and present productive solutions. We have developed a fantastic working relationship over the years and with Linda’s mentoring I have been able to carry out some tough commercial decisions but with outstanding results. Not one to mince her words but sometimes a direct approach is exactly what is needed to help create a clear pathway for decisions and progress. Linda has a wealth of knowledge and experience and has always delivered clear and calm advice whatever the circumstance. As a client I have never had to question the ROI when utilising Linda’s services; as the benefits, both commercially and personally, have always far outweighed the cost.

Darren Leipnik, Founder & Managing Director – Emergo UK

I attended Linda’s online course ‘How to Free Up Time to Make More Money for your Business” and it was excellent. I have taken the core elements of what Linda taught and have used them to be more disciplined during my work week (although there is still some way to go!).  Linda’s conversational style of guidance through the content, and real life examples relevant to me, were what made the session so easy to access and implement. I would recommend this course and Linda to anyone looking to free up more time in their business lives.

Nick Keily, Director – North Kent Cleaning Services Ltd

I was pleased to spend three years under Linda’s Management At Seven Seas where i found that she took the business to a new level in both management, productivity and technical changes that she made to operational side of the business.Also i would like to mention the growth of the staff under her management came on leaps and bounds with the changes that Linda had made as country head and would recommend Linda to improve any part of any business that she decides to turn her hand to.

Wayne Mills, Operations Manager – Seven Seas Worldwide Ltd
After sitting down with Linda, it became apparent I have a number of productivity issues within my business.  She set out a clear plan of action that ultimately helped me to improve the internal cogs of my business, resulting increased revenue. Linda is a superb pool of knowledge
Matthew Dorrington, Director – Simple Advertising

Linda has an excellent grasp of detail and has the ability to combine operational detail with strategic objectives to ensure that an efficient implementable solution can be generated in short time frames. She consistently delivers high quality work and has the ability to communicate and interact with multi-cultural teams.

Carolien Samson, Executive – Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa

Linda is a friendly professional and interested in helping others. She has solid skills and breadth of experience and has always given me sound advice and support with IT as well as management. She is always smiling, is fun to be with and she has oodles of patience.

Jane Keet, Independent Consultant – Arbonne

Linda has empathy and listening skills. Within 24 hours she can produce a plan, that is similar to what you were thinking about, but turns it into a working reality

Joe Dorrian, Owner – Precious Patchz