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Your Business Productivity to Profit Breakthrough starts here

The first step to uncovering the hidden potential in your business is completing the Alluxi Business Success Scorecard.  With the results of your scorecard, you’ll be invited to book a Productivity to Profit Breakthrough Session. This will give you 60 minutes of 1-2-1 support with your unique business challenges and goals.  We’ll explore what is preventing you from moving forward and you’ll benefit from clear guidance on how to address your key issues.

Currently valued at £125 + VAT, payable on booking.


Dive Deeper with the Alluxi Business Launchpad Workshop

If you are ready to evolve your business productivity to the next stage, you will be offered a 1-2-1 Business Launchpad Workshop.  During this half-day deep dive, we delve further into the detailed operations behind the scenes of your organisation.  You will also benefit from a powerful benchmark survey tool that will show you exactly how engaged your employees are with your business purpose, goals and management.

Combined with Alluxi’s expert insight, your results will reveal a panoramic view of where your business is right now, both technically and tactically. You will take away a framework of templates, and a clear action plan to apply in your business, plus options for further initiatives working with Alluxi, to propel you forwards.

Fees starting from £750 + VAT, payable on booking.

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Discover greater profit in your business



Six sessions over 13 weeks, delivering the training to apply proven management theory into practice, providing you with the complete Alluxi Toolbox to develop your business DNA, and create a self-managing business.




One-to-one support over 13 months to free yourself from the gravitational pull of your day-to-day operations. Achieve greater versatility, reach a more strategic orbit, and more time dedicated to business growth.




A custom solution to fast-track your business evolution. Alluxi provides Business Productivity consulting to inspired business leaders ready to scale up to the next level of growth and profitability.


Alluxi Business Success Scorecard

Your journey to greater productivity and profit starts here. Take 15 minutes for an in-depth look at your business and we’ll shine a light on where improvements can be made.