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Global Expertise – Chile

Private Health Clinic

A full Business Analysis, project design, start up, implementation and delivery of a six-month programme, achieving annualised financial cost savings and productivity improvements of US $1.3M.

The programme illuminated key improvement areas, including analysis and rebuilding of job roles, reducing headcount and salary costs. It also uncovered opportunities for increased productivity in nursing specialities, which reduced external agency fees – one of the key causes of overspend (a common problem in our own NHS).

By working with nursing management to develop a matrix of all nursing disciplines within the clinic’s own workforce, we were able to compare requirements for specialisms within each ward type – for example Adult Orthopaedic and Paediatrics. This revealed that certain nursing disciplines could be shared across wards. A Paediatric nurse, for example, could also work in Adult Orthopaedics, but not vice versa. Identifying this potential for smarter working resulted in a skills matrix, allowing the ward managers to co-ordinate resources on a shift-by-shift basis. Skilled nurses could then move between wards depending on patient numbers, reducing the reliance on agency staff.

Implementing routine cleaning and preventative maintenance plans made more efficient use of employees and reduced external subcontractor costs.

Over a year, the clinic saved US $260,000 in agency fees alone, with total annualised cost savings and productivity improvements of US $1.3M.


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