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Tag: National Living Wage


I joined a virtual Manufacturing Forum last week, attended by many local industry leaders. Most of these owners have been successfully trading internationally for decades, and are seasoned in driving their businesses through adversity. Despite…

Todays the Day – It may be April Fool’s But The National Living Wage is No Joke

Work Layout Whilst mapping out the workflow as suggested in point 13, even in administration areas, the physical layout of the work area is paramount to achieving greater efficiencies.  Although technology now requires less paper…

20 WAYS TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE – Improve Planning

Productivity means higher output using your current resources, or achieving the same level of sales with less resource. Planning is one of the fundamental elements of a good management system in any business.  Planning has…

20 WAYS TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE – Robust Management Control Systems

Productivity means higher output using your current resources, or achieving the same level of sales with less resource. If a manager is not given the tools to do the job then they rely on gut…

20 WAYS TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE – Documented Procedures

Productivity means higher output using your current resources, or achieving the same level of sales with less resource. The last productivity tip highlighted that promotion your best performer in a team to manager can often…

20 WAYS TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE – Define the Role and Recruit to purpose

Productivity means higher output using your current resources, or achieving the same level of sales with less resource. The Definition of A Manager* – someone who gets things done through other people. It’s sad but…

20 WAYS TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE – Reduce the Fear Factor

Productivity means higher output using your current resources, or achieving the same level of sales with less resource. Tyranny went out with the dark ages, and controlling by intimidation is no longer an option.  One…

20 WAYS TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE – Training is a Necessity not a Luxury

Productivity means higher output using your current resources, or achieving the same level of sales with less resource. Many companies often consider Training and Development a luxury rather than a necessity.  Managers perceive they don’t…

6 Ways to Prepare Your Business for the National Living Wage Increase

Like it or not, the Living Wage is heading our way. Now the genie is out of the bottle, it is pretty unlikely any of the major political parties will reverse the trend for a…

Hidden Impact of the National Living Wage

With George Osborne’s recent announcement to introduce a National Living Wage in April 2016, with increases of over 10% above the existing minimum wage from £6.50 to £7.20, rising progressively to £9 by 2020, companies…