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16 June 2020
Employee Motivation

TOP 5 LOCKDOWN CHALLENGES – Maintaining Fun & Energy


A 5 week series for business leaders needing to transform their business towards the “new norm”

Challenge 5 – Maintaining Fun & Energy

How do we keep team energy high and support teamwork when working remotely, with all the negative press about the impact of COVID-19?

One of the questions in the Working From Home & Winning survey, asks employees to suggest “one way we can maintain fun and energy within our team while working from home?”

Chances are that this is more important to your employees than you think.  Work relationships are important, and those with close ties to each other may miss the routine of the office that brought them together. 

Some ideas to maintain the ‘fun’ elements of work when the team are working remotely could include: 

  • Creating a slack channel, Whatsapp group or similar outlet dedicated to fun – sharing memes, stories etc.   As their leader, you have to give them permission to recreate the interactions that make their normal workplace fun.

  • Schedule in time for virtual happy hours, maybe over lunch time, or at the end of the day for trivia games, baking lessons, family hours, coffee breaks, which will create a welcome bright spot your team can enjoy.

  • Pro tip – if you’re subscribed to the Engagement Multiplier, use your on-demand survey tool in your dashboard to gather ideas – you can create your own survey on any topic.


Try the Weekly Energy SheetTM

One clear solution to maintaining Energy in the team, is a Weekly Energy SheetTM to give the team a time out moment, to reflect on their week.  By creating a mechanism, for the team to regularly check in with what have been

  • the highlights of their week
  • their working from home Win of the week
  • Gratitude call out to one of their colleagues who helped or supported them recently, and 
  • Next week’s focus areas, to keep the momentum on the teams positivity and productivity.

These four areas will bring a degree of mindfulness to each of the team, to look back and identify the positive, motivating moments rather than dwell on the negative background noise of the crisis they’re living through.

The sheet can be created electronically, and sent back to their line manager, at the end of every week.  Use the sheets to incorporate their feedback and mention the Gratitude call outs, as part of one of your EPICTM meetings


Working From Home & Winning Survey

Try the Working from Home & Winning Survey, to get better insight of how your team are really feeling.   The Free “Working from Home & Winning” survey gives you a quick and easy tool to get anonymous feedback from your employees working from home. It takes just 3 simple steps to set the survey up, share with your team, and receive  a summary report, in a very short space of time.   

To interpret the results of the survey, and for more detail on how to adapt the team to remote working, you can download the FREE Working From Home & Winning Success Guide How To Keep Remote Teams Connected, Proactive and Productive

Hopefully we’re all starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel & getting your business back on track.  If you need to boost your competitiveness in the market place, and would like to refresh the “way we do things”, watch out for the next series of blogs from Alluxi, bringing you the fundamentals of LEAN working. Over the coming weeks we’ll outline the 5 principles for creating superior value in your operations.  Each blog will provide practical tips, techniques and methods for you to immediately apply in your own business to boost profitability. 

Fundamental common sense ideas are often hidden amongst the trials and tribulations business owners are up against on a day to day basis.  This next LEAN series will guide you through how to re-boot your operations and cut out those loss making steps that don’t add value to your service or product, and may be eroding your profits.


Alluxi is here to offer you support through these times of change, bringing a facts and figures approach to evolve your business and realise your goals.

As a first step towards identifying your current business challenges and evaluating where your future opportunities exist within your business, we invite you to complete the in-depth Alluxi Business Success Scorecard delving into the 10 key critical success areas.

Take 15 minutes to respond to the scorecard and get your results within minutes.  You’ll have the opportunity to book a follow-up Productivity to Profit Breakthrough Session to find out how you can implement rapid and measurable improvements.