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12 December 2019
Business Growth

A BIG SHOUT OUT for Knowledge Transfer Partnerships!


Who Knew! Data Analytics gets Interesting!

This short blog is probably the closest thing you can get to anti-marketing, and doing myself out of future work, but after attending a brilliant networking & learning evening at the Kent Business School (KBS) in Canterbury last month, I felt it only fair to make business owners aware of the funded resources and opportunities available to them, to grow their productivity & efficiencies.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships is a government sponsored UK-wide programme helping businesses to improve their competitiveness and productivity through better use of knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK academic knowledge base. KBS have been involved in this programme for a while and, last week, dedicated one of their Business Soundbites sessions to showcase recent projects their business students have been involved with.

These included a complete data analysis and re-modelling of the Eurostar terminal in Paris to determine how passenger queues could be reduced and managed on a day to day basis; a global ethical risk assessment of small developing farming communities supplying fruits to its retailer in the UK; and a bit closer to home, an award winning data analysis and remodelling of a steel manufacturer here in Kent, which resulted in some serious financial savings from productivity improvements through process flow, improved logistics and transportation of raw and finished materials, and other initiatives that should make any Business Owner’s mouths water.

The depth of analyses and recommended solutions were powerful, and despite being part of the students learning path, provided huge value and benefits to the partner businesses they were assigned to. A wholly synergistic and rewarding relationship on both sides. The passion and enthusiasm from the students presenting their cases was tangible.

Our academic business institutions in the UK are striving to ensure the student experiences are all-encompassing, based on practical research that makes a real difference to absorbing and understanding how theory can be applied in the real world.  The KTP initiative is a perfect example of how to harness young innovative knowledge and get their talents into our industries at the earliest opportunity.  

I would recommend to any Business Owner who has a specific growth project in mind, or productivity issue they want to overcome, to check out the Knowledge Transfer Partnership opportunities.  

If you’d like more information as to how the KTP can help in your business contact Kent Business School.



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